Golden World Award on Allergy Goes to Akdis
Sources told the A.A correspondent on Monday that the foundation had been giving the prize to scientists once every three years for the last 33 years.
Prof. Dr. Akdis graduated from the Uludag University School of Medicine in 1985. He earned a degree in infection and clinical microbiology at the same university. He was appointed as chairman of Cellular Immunology Department of SIAF in 1998.
Prof. Dr. Akdis also won more than 20 awards, including Sedat Simavi Medicine Award, Professor Hans Storck Prize and Allergopharma Prize.
His articles and studies were published in many scientific magazines.
Prof. Dr. Akdis has also been acting as chairman of executive board of European Academy of Allergiology and Clinical Immunology (EAACI) since 2001. (UK-ULG) (YE)