Global Protest Against Global Attacks
Turkey is considering sending tens of thousands of peacekeepers to Iraq on a U.S. request. The parliament would have to approve any decision.
Spokesman Tayfun Mater, who made a statement on behalf of BAK, said the following:
* The whole world continues to oppose the war. The Bush government, while continuing with its occupation of Iraq, gives Israel US$10 billion for colonialism. Israel, with the strength it gets from the United States, continues with its extermination policies on Palestine.
* Despite all these attacks and the Bush hegemony, anti-war activists from all over the world, are trying to make peace prevail. The "September 27, Day of Global Anti-War Activists," was proposed by the Arab anti-war movement, and accepted by the Europe Peace Movement. Turkish anti-war activists will organize in Ankara. September 27 was chosen because it is the anniversary of the second Intifada, which started on September 28.
"Nothing is finished yet"
Suleyman Celebi, head of the Confederation of Revolutionary Workers' Unions (DISK), spoke at the BAK meeting. "Being the ones who said, 'No to war in Iraq," our attitude has not changed. Before, we were against the war; and now, we are against the invasion," Celebi said.
Gencay Gursoy, chair of the Istanbul Chamber of Physicians, criticized the media for embracing a pro-war approach. "Nothing is finished yet," said Gursoy. "September 27 will be a day to demonstrate the common attitude."
Ahmet Mercan, head of the Istanbul branch of Mazlum-Der, said the whole world was under a global threat after September 11. The peace movement should also be global, Mercan emphasized.
Huseyin Yesil, a member of the executive board of the Union of Turkish Engineers and Architects Chambers (TMMOB), said TMMOB, as it has done in the past, would take its place at the September 27 demonstration.
The "End Invasion in Iraq, Freedom to Palestine," demonstration will be held at 12:00 p.m. at the Sihhiye Square of capital Ankara on September 27. (CM/BB/EA/NM)