#Gezi5Yaşında (Gezi is 5 Years Old) Trending Topic on Twitter

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The Gezi resistance, which started five years ago today, has become a trending topic (TT) on Twitter.
As of 3.40 p.m. today (May 28), the hashtag #Gezi5Yaşında (Gezi is 5 years old) is in the third place of the trending topic list of Turkey.
A vast number of people, including politicians and artists, had participated in the resistance, which started as a protest against the construction of Taksim Military Barracks at Gezi Park at Taksim Square in İstanbul without a planning permission and spread across Turkey as the days passed.
Those who participated in the Gezi Park protests five years ago, among whom are politicians and artists, have been posting tweets under the hashtag #Gezi5Yaşında (Gezi is 5 years old).
Here are some of these tweets:
#Gezi diye yazılır; "Umut", "İnanç", "Direniş" diye okunur.!#Gezi5Yaşında pic.twitter.com/yS8tWDCR99
— zeynep altıok akatlı (@zeynabelle) 28 Mayıs 2018
The main opposition party Republican People's Party (CHP) İzmir MP Zeynep Altıok Akatlı: "It is written as #Gezi, read as 'Hope', 'Belief', 'Resistance'! #Gezi5Yaşında"
68 gibiydi!
— Tur Yıldız Biçer (@turyildizbicer) 28 Mayıs 2018
Onun yerel ton ve renklerini içeren küçük bir ölçeğiydi.
68 gibi; bildik,klasik manada bir önderliği yoktu.
68 gibi; işsizler,öğrenciler, gençler,kadınlar,sanatçılar,aydınlar katıldı.
68 gibiydi;mayısta başlamış,haziranda sönümlenmiş değil, #Gezi5Yaşında ve büyüyecek. pic.twitter.com/1j6K8BIEW6
CHP Manisa MP Tur Yıldız Biçer: "It was like 68. It was a smaller scale 68 with its local tones and colors. Like 68; it did not have a leadership in the known, classical sense. Like 68; unemployed people, students, youngsters, women, artists and intellectuals participated in it. It was like 68; it started in May, it did not end in June, #Gezi5Yaşında and it will grow up."
Unutulur mu? #Gezi5yaşında pic.twitter.com/QwiJ6amago
Theater player Genco Erkal: "Can it be forgotten? #Gezi5Yaşında"
— Meltem Cumbul (@MCumbulOfficial) 27 Mayıs 2018
Artist Meltem Cumbul: "#Gezi5Yaşında"
Hepimiz 21 gün aynı rüyayı gördük. Kuluçka vakti kadar zamandaki bu rüyada aşk vardı, ölüm vardı. Zulüm, işkence, inat, umut, özgürlük, cesaret, yok oluş ve diriliş bütün simgeleriyle canlandı. Bu rüya bitmez. Bu rüya gerçektir, yorumu hayal... #Gezi5Yasinda
— Şebnem Sönmez (@edihvet) 28 Mayıs 2018
Artist Şebnem Sönmez: "We all had the same dream for 21 days. There was love and death in this dream, which lasted as long as incubation. Cruelty, torture, obstinacy, hope, freedom, courage, destruction and resurrection revived with all of their symbols. This dream will not end. This dream is real, its interpretation is a dream... #Gezi5Yaşında"
Gezi Direnişi umudun milyonlarla ayağa kalktığı, baskıya ve zulme #ArtıkTamam denildiği bir özgürlük destanı. Onurla, gururla #Oradaydım !#Gezi5Yaşında pic.twitter.com/ytIxR5YcWM
— Veli AĞBABA (@veliagbaba) 28 Mayıs 2018
CHP Vice Chairperson and Malatya MP Veli Ağbaba: "Gezi Resistance is a freedom saga, where the hope stood up with millions and #ArtıkTamam! (Enough is Enough!) was said oppression and cruelty. With honor and pride, #Oradaydım! (I Was There!) #Gezi5Yaşında"
#Gezi5Yasinda pic.twitter.com/oDhiloqUfJ
— Bülent Emrah Parlak (@bulentparlak) 28 Mayıs 2018
Theater player Bülent Emrah Parlak: "#Gezi5Yaşında" (PT/SD)