Gezi Park Being Closed with Police Barriers

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Police barricades have been brought around Taksim Gezi Park on the 5th anniversary of the Gezi Resistance.
The barriers are being placed at all exits and entrances of the park.
Taksim Solidarity: Gezi is government’s biggest nightmare
In a statement issued by Taksim Solidarity yesterday (May 29), it was declared that they will be at Gezi Park on May 31 on the 5th anniversary of the resistance.
Architect Mücella Yapıcı had said that Gezi continues to be the biggest nightmare of the government.
May 31 program
Program of 5th anniversary of the Gezi Resistance was announced in the meeting held at Union of Chambers of Turkish Architects and Engineers (TMMOB) Chamber of Architects İstanbul Branch:
- It is going to be marched to Gezi Park on May 31 at 7 p.m.
- Mehmet Ayvalıtaş, who lost his life during the Gezi Resistance, is going to be memorialized at Çekmeköy Cemetery on June 2 at 11 a.m., and at Ataşehir Pir Sultan Abdal Djemevi on June 3. On the same day, a march will be organized at Şükrü Sarıtaş Park at 3 p.m.
Police barriers were seen being brought by sub-contracted workers. (PT/TK)