Gender Neutral Toilet Campaign from Bilgi University Students

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Petition has been launched on at Bilgi University for gender neutral toilets to be built.
The petition addressing Bilgi University Chancellor, Prof. Dr. Mehmet Durman has stated that gender neutral toilets should be implemented departing from decision of the Board of Trustees’ taken against discrimination.
First example is Boğaziçi University in Turkey
The first gender neutral toilets were established at the Boğaziçi University subsequent to the efforts of the LGBTI Works Group (BÜLGBTİ).
There are institutions around the world with gender neutral toilet.
In Columbia, using man-woman signs used in toilets with one cabin was banned in 2014, and that the institutes with one cabin were imposed obligation to have “gender neutral toilet” present.
Barack Obama administration as a sign of solidarity with the LGBTI movement had gender neutral toilet installed at the White House in April 2015.
In Fleming area of Belgium, signs such as “woman”, “man” at the parliament were removed for purpose of fighting discrimination against transsexuals, and that gender section of the job application forms were removed in July 2015. (ÇT/TK)