Gays&lesbians Urge for Equality Before Law
Oner Ceylan, the gays&lesbians groups spokesperson, requested that homosexuals explicitly included among the groups to be protected in the article that bans discrimination. They demanded that crimes against homosexuals are not subject to reduced punishment and that homosexuality is not regarded as provocation.
Discrimination at workplace should be regarded a crime
Ceylan listed the proposals of gays and lesbians:
* It is a great improvement that the phrase, sexual orientation, was added to article 124, which is about discrimination. Discrimination based on sexual orientation will be considered a crime from now on. Discriminating against homosexuals when accepting employees will also be a crime. We believe, laying off, preventing promotion, exile, and forced resignation should also be added in this article.
Also, the phrase sexual orientation, was not added to article 3, which regulates equality before justice and law. We regard this as a contradiction within the draft.
Homosexuality should not be regarded as provocation
* Crimes against homosexuals can be subject to a reduced punishment. The article should be restructured as to prevent reduction in the punishment of crimes committed against persons of homosexual inclination such as usurpation, attack, injuring or murder.
Sexual exploitation instead of obscenity
* The abstruse expressions about the morals of a society in the laws are usually used against homosexuals. Such articles should be reworded to prevent wrong interpretations.
* We demand that the word, exhibitionism is removed from article 227, which regulates shameful acts. Also article 228 about obscenity is very vague on what is obscene and what is not. We propose that sexual exploitation is used instead of obscenity. The expression, unnatural sexual behavior should also be lifted because it is vague.
Transvestite and transsexual genocide
* We want the expressions, sexual orientation, and sexual identity to be included into article 79, which defines genocide, and article 80, which regulates other crimes against humanity.
* We demand that the age of consent for sexual relations is reduced to 15.
* We propose that article 218 about thought crime is lifted. Expression of opinion should not be regarded as a crime. (BB)