Gas Bomb Hits Yüksekova Haber News Desk

2 gas bombs hit the windows of Yüksekova Haber news desk during clashes between police and protestors in the southeastern border province of Yüksekova.
Tension arose in the southeastern district of Yüksekova near Turkey’s border to Iraq, as protests broke out over the demolition of PKK members graves, leaving two dead on Friday.
“Our news desk is located on the 6th floor of building and two of our windows were broken due to gas bombs,” Necip Çapraz, founder of Yüksekova Haber , told bianet.
bianet asked Çapraz whether the gas bomb might have hit their office gaz bombalarının dışarıdaki arbede sırasında yanlışlıkla atılmış olma ihtimalini soruyoruz.
Çapraz’s response was clear: “We are located on the 6th floor. It is obvious where they are firing the gas bombs. On the other hand, protestors were standing on the opposite direction of where we are located.
“Police knowingly and willingly targeted Yüksekova Haber. They have fired a dozen of gas bombs around the building we are located. A couple of our friend were stuck inside and they could only get with the help of gas masks provided by firemen.”
“It is the same mentality”
Speaking to Yüksekova Haber cameras, Çapraz also claimed that the incident was an assault.
“This was an attempt to intimidate us. How come a gas bomb can hit us on the 6th floor? We are targeted here. On the top of our busy agenda, we are subjected to attacks now.
“I take this as an assault against media and its representatives. I am demanding an immediate investigation on those who are responsible.
“You can’t govern a city like that. The peace can never be established this way. This is not peace, this is not a sense of security. Aren’t police for people’s security? I condemn the mentality that can target media and my colleagues. Those who fired gas bombs here are also the ones who killed two people. It is the same mentality with killing our brothers.
“This is the real attempt to put an obstacle on the peace process. Where are the promises that you would swallow poison for this process? Are you going to do so by attacking media outlets?” (EKN/BM)
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