Garo Paylan Asks: Why Is Bridge Toll not also Free on Easter?

Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) İstanbul deputy Garo Paylan reminded bridge toll was free on Ramadan Feast and Feast of Sacrifice each year and asked why it wasn’t free on feasts and celebrations of Christian, Jewish and Yezidi people.
Paylan asked parliamentary question related to subject to Minister of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications, Feridun Bilgin.
Christmas, Rosh Hashanah and Çarşema Sor
Paylan stated that religious holidays like Christmas, Rosh Hashanah and Çarşema Sor which were celebrated for thousands of years in Anatolia were ignored by the state and these feasts should be treated equally.
“According to the constitution and international democratic norms, the state should treat its citizens and all religions equally. That’s why, bridge toll should be free on other religious holidays, too.
“I presented my parliamentary question in Grand National Assembly of Turkey (TBMM) based on ‘equality before the law’. I also will present legislative proposal related to the regulation to TBMM as soon as possible.
“I observe Ramadan Feast all of our citizens and I wish tranquility and peace and more equal, more democratic Turkey.”
Is it against equality before the law?
Garo Paylan asked:
1-Why does this practice not include Christmas, Rosh Hashanah and Çarşema Sor of Christian, Jewish and Yezidi people?
2-Is there an ongoing practice related to the subject of Ministry of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications? If any, how is the process? If not, what is the reason behind it?
3-Is this situation specific to Muslim citizens of Turkey?
4- Is this situation against the Article 10 related to ‘Equality Before the Law’ of the constitution? (NV/BD)
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