Galata Photography House to Offer Gender and Photography Workshop

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Galata Photography House will be offering a six-week workshop program titled "Gender and Photography" starting February 20.
Under Şehlem Kaçar's instruction, participants will examine the relationship between gender roles and art as well as conduct conceptual readings and discussions on ways of seeing and feminist approaches to art.
What is in the workshop?
Week 1:
Information about the content of the workshop
Introduction to gender: What is gender? General concepts and discussion on the image of woman throughout art history
The relationship between art and gender
Representations of women in art history; examples and archetypes
Week 2:
Introduction to feminist art
A feminist criticism of art history
Hannah Wilke, Vivian Maier and others
Week 3:
Representations of women in the media
How violence is represented: Media language and use of photography in news about violence
Sample studies in combatting violence
Week 4:
Different approaches to feminist art: Self-portraits
Introduction to the feminist avant-guard and examination of portfolio examples: Francesca Woodman and Cindy Sherman
Week 5:
Women arts collectives, feminist protests and activism
Guerrilla girls, the feminist movement in art, examples from the 60s and 70s
Artists from Turkey and portfolio examples: Nil Yalter, Nilbar Güreş, CANAN
Week 6:
Auto-portrait photography presentations
About Şehlem Kaçar
In her bachelor's degree, she focused on gender, photography, and critical readings of the media. In her graduate studies she worked on the female body and Michel Foucault's theories of the body. She obtained her graduate diploma in 2008.
Her work has been featured in various group exhibitions since 2005. Her project "One Day: After Work" won her a Danish Government Scholarship. She had her first solo exhibition in the Women's Museum in Denmark, with the support of FREIA (Aalborg University Feminist Research Center) and EDGE (Center for Equality, Diversity, Gender in Aalborg University). Şehlem was a visiting researcher at Helsinki University in 2016. She is currently doing doctoral work on photography and gender in the Communication Sciences Department of Istanbul Bilgi University. (ÇT/PU)