Gag Order on Attack in Vezneciler, Confidentiality Order on Investigation

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Gag order and confidentiality order has been issued on the attack launched by bomb car against police vehicle in İstanbul’s Vezneciler neighborhood.
Supreme Court of Radio and Television (RTÜK) has announced that, by İstanbul 10 Criminal Judicatory of Peace’s order, “Publication of all sorts of news, interviews, criticisms and such publications on written, visual and Internet media until the investigation is completed have been prohibited”.
The gag order has been issued on the ground of “protecting territorial integrity and preventing perpetration, and maintaining authority and objectivity of judicial power.
The judicatory also stating that suspects and other investigation subjects’ examining investigation file might jeopardize the investigation, has restricted these authorizations.
According to the initial statement, 11 people seven of whom are police killed, 36 others injured as three of them are in critical condition. (BK/TK)