‘Freedom to Onur Hamzaoğlu’ Website is Online Now

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A website has been launched to demand freedom for the jailed Peoples' Democratic Congress (HDK) Co-Spokesperson, medical doctor and academic Prof. Dr. Onur Hamzaoğlu. On the website, it has been stated, "We demand that Hamzaoğlu and other writers, journalists, scientists, academics and activists who have been jailed for arbitrary reasons be immediately released."
On the website "onurhamzaoglunaozgurluk.org" (Freedom to Onur Hamzaoglu), the biography and works of Hamzaoğlu as well as the news reported in the press about him can be found.
The website opens with a statement signed by nine academics, making the call, "Do not waste the values of this country." The timer on the website shows for how long Onur Hamzaoğlu has been held in detention. At the time when this news report was prepared, it showed that Hamzaoğlu had been deprived of his freedom for 42 days and six hours.
Prof. Onur Hamzaoğlu, who is one of the academics discharged from Kocaeli University and one of the founders of Kocaeli Solidarity Academy, was taken into custody on February 9, 2018 and arrested on February 17. A press statement raising a demand for peace dated February 4 was cited as the reason for his arrest.
"Release Onur (Honor) of the people"
The statement making a demand for the freedom of Onur Hamzaoğlu has been signed by nine academics, namely Prof. Dr. Okan Akhan, Prof. Dr. Korkut Boratav, Prof. Dr. Necati Dedeoğlu, Prof. Dr. Ayşe Erzan, Prof. Dr. İskender Sayek, Investigative Writer Orhan Silier, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Alâeddin Şenel, Prof. Dr. Taner Timur and Prof. Dr. Hasan Yazıcı.
In the statement, where the contributions of Hamzaoğlu to the struggle against inequalities and contagious diseases as well as his defence of freedom in the face of war have been underlined, it has been stated, "We call to everyone, particularly to the officials: We demand that Onur (Honor) of public health be released as soon as possible. FREEDOM TO Onur HAMZAOĞLU!" (BK/SD)