Freedom of Expression Message from Okan University

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Okan University Presidency on its official website has stated that opposing all sorts of terror acts and violence is a necessity for respect for human rights and that freedom of expression should be sensitively guarded.
“We follow the recent developments in our country with deep concern. We are of the opinion terrorism is a crime against humanity and no matter what the source, aim or motivation of it, opposing all sorts of terror acts and violence is a necessity for respect for human rights. We also believe that freedom of expression that is indispensable to democratic societies should be sensitively guarded. We condemn separatist terror acts and violence in our country and that emphasize the importance of establishing social peace within the frame of universal principles of law”.
Statements have been made by many universities following the declaration titled “We will not be a party to this crime” led by Academics for Peace calling on state of Turkey to end state violence and prepare negotiation conditions.
In the Okan University’s statement, expressions such as establishing peace and freedom of expression which weren’t included in other statements were voiced. (BK/TK)