Freedom of Belief Report: Restrictive Implementations Persist

Norway Helsinki Committee (NHC) Freedom of Belief Initiative (İÖG) has released Report of Monitoring Freedom of Belief Right in Turkey (July 2014-June 2015). The report emphasized that Turkey's laws and practices should accord with human rights standards regarding freedom of religion and belief.
"ECHR decisions have not been implemented"
In the report, it has been drawn attention to that the decisions of European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) have not been implemented. Some of the issues detected by some international courts listed as follows: Mandatory religious culture and moral knowledge courses, lack of the right to conscientious objection, religion section in IDs, not recognizing djemevis as sanctuary.
Restrictive practices
The report stating practices excluding different beliefs and sects continue in Turkey said, "While djemevis' status as sanctuary is not recognized, application to be granted sanctuary status by groups like Protestant and Jehova's Witnesses are being turned down. Freedom of belief is everyone's right and states don't have the right to judge legitimacy of beliefs."
Freedom of speech
In the report, it is emphasized that restrictions and prosecutions against freedom of speech might limit freedom of belief as well
"At the intersection of freedom of speech and freedom of belief, especially prosecutions against Atheism Association and its members and hate speech against Jews and Christians are worrisome."
Freedom of belief at schools
In the report it is stated that mandatory some issues appear in state's objectivity with regard to choosing and practicing optional religious courses as well as mandatory religious courses
Objectivity of state
The report drawing attention to state's responsibility of being objective, said "If a budget will be spared from public sources for religious services, then an inclusivist model to cover all other belief groups's services must be established."
Steps need to be taken
In the report certain steps that are needed to be taken to accord freedom of belief right in Turkey with human rights standards are mentioned as well.
Here are the outlines of the steps...
* Türkiye'nin eski ve yeni inanç özgürlüğü sorunları için köklü reformlar yapması gerekmektedir.
* Turkey needs to undertake radical reforms to solve its old and new freedom of belief issues.
* The new government to be formed should make changes in law and implementations by carrying out a transparent and human rights-centered process that will meet the reform need.
* Article 216 (3) of Turkish Penal Code must be interpreted in accordance with ECHR and shouldn't be turned into a tool suppressing those who are critical to religion.
* Right to build and sustain sanctuary should be provided for everyone. Djemevis must be recognized as sanctuary Applications for sanctuary status should be handled by municipalities and governorates in a facilitating manner.
* Conscientious objection to military service must be recognized in accordance with international legal norms and legal forms must be made.
* Belief groups' right to obtain legal entity must be protected, ideally a belief institution should constitute a legal entity. The process to establish foundations and associations must be facilitated until this status is constituted.
* In educational field, freedom of belief right of child, parents, and teachers must be respected, and at schools pluralism must be assured.
* Fair distribution of public financial sources to religious services must be ensured.
* Election regulation of community foundations must be prepared without any further delay. (YY/TK)
Click here to read the article in Turkish