Free HPV vaccination will start in Türkiye after years-long campaign

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There have been campaigns demanding that human papillomaviruses (HPV) vaccines, which prevent the HPV infection causing cervical cancer, be added to the routine vaccination schedule in Türkiye.
Health Minister Fahrettin Koca announced today (November 25) that "they will be starting vaccination in a specified group and broaden the scope step by step."
The Minister said that they made planning taking into account age groups and marital status.
During the talks in the Planning and Budget Commission of the parliament on the budget of the Health Ministry, Koca said that they have appointed the Health Institutes Presidency (TÜSEB) for the production of HPV diagnostic kits.
He said that they would use locally produced HPV kits making use of the infrastructure in Türkiye, and that the domestically produced test will be in service in less than a month.
First Women and Children Association (Önce Kadınlar ve Çocuklar Derneği) issued a statement about the development.
The association said that they were "happy about the announcement by the Minister that the HPV vaccination will be free", however they added that it was "unacceptable" that vaccination will be made taking into account the "marital status."
One thousand and 500 women are diagnosed with cervical cancer in Türkiye in a year.
Three doses of the HPV vaccine cost 3 thousand lira (162 dollars).
There are many suits filed in courts in order for the Social Security Institution to pay for the vaccine. (RT/PE)