Operatıon ın Ankara
Four Lawyers Taken into Custody

In the morning of Tuesday, 12 May, the office of four lawyers in Sıhhiye, Ankara, was searched by anti-terrorism branch police, so lawyer Elvan Olkun of the Contemporary Lawyers’ Association (ÇHD).
The police searched the office and homes of lawyers Murat Vargün, Halil İbrahim Vargün, Hasan Anlar, member of the central executive board of the Human Rights Association (İHD) and Filiz Kalaycı, reserve member of the board.
Olkun believes that the operation is a continuation of the operation started against the pro-Kurdish Democratic Society Party (DTP) on 14 April. She added that all four lawyers had been taken into custody, but that the lawyers following the case had not yet been able to read the file.
According to one source, the searches were carried out improperly.
Protest today
Olkun announced that members of the İHD and the ÇHD would gather in front of the Ankara court at 3.30 pm today (13 May) in order to make a press statement and protest against the operation.
In operations against the DTP, starting on 14 April, 52 people were arrested, including two deputy party chairs and other high-level representatives. (BÇ/AG)