Former PM Davutoğlu: We Resign from AKP

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Requested to be discharged from the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP), former Primer Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu as well as former AKP MPs Ayhan Sefer Üstün, Selçuk Özdağ, Abdullah Başçı, Nedim Yamalı, Selim Temurci and Feramuz Üstün held a joint statement for the press today (September 13).
Announcing that they are resigning from the AKP, Davutoğlu made the following remarks in brief:
"This administration that has taken this decision of discharge will be called to account before the nation. What they want to discharge is not people, but the collective conscience. For us, September 2, 2019, when the proposal for our discharge was submitted, is the date when the AK Party announced that they abandoned their founding principles.
"Over the past years, the AK Party has moved away from its values, discourse and policies; problems have arisen in all areas. As required by our sensitivity towards the cause, we showed ultimate attention so as not to break hearts. Why have we expressed them in a higher voice as of April 22?
'AK Party of 18 years ago has been purged'
"AK Party has lost votes. We have four years without any elections before us when we can make a comprehensive examination. We were ashamed of the discharge decision.
"With its decision of discharge, the AK Party administration has purged the AK Party as it was founded 18 years ago. The AK Party, which is now under the control of a narrow cadre, has no longer the opportunity to be a remedy for the problems of our country.
"It is not possible for a structure that turns a deaf ear to calls to account and constructive criticisms to produce solutions for the nation.
"The AKP no longer has the capacity to carry the country one step further. It is obvious that channels of negotiation within the AKP are closed and a transformation from inside is not possible any longer.
'Sign boards are temporary, values are permanent'
"We are resigning from our party, for which we have been making efforts for years. We owe thanks to the loyal base of the AKP and its long-suffering organization, but we are not bidding farewell. Sign boards are temporary, the values making our lives meaningful are permanent.
"We will continue expressing these values. We will struggle against bans, corruption and poverty. We will take peaceful diplomacy as the basis. We want to establish a democratic order.
"From this day on, building a new political movement in the light of our basic principles is required by our responsibility towards our nation". (RT/SD)
* Photograph: Twitter