Former Generals Sentenced to Life For 1980 Military Coup

Ankara 10th High Criminal Court announced its verdict on the case of Kenan Evren and Tahsin Şahinkaya where two formal generals stood trial for charges related to Turkey’s 1980 military Coup.
The two defendants - Kenan Evren was elected Turkey’s 7th President and Tahsin Şahinkaya retired as Turkey’s Air Force Chief - were found guilty of violating Turkish Penal Code Article 146 on “acts against the government forces”. While the court initially sentenced the defendants to aggravated life sentence, then the ruling was reduced to life sentence.
In today’s hearing, prosecutor Erdinç Hakan Özdabakoğlu announced his opinion, reiterating its request to “aggravated life” sentence according to the case indictment.
While the hearing was attended by plaintiffs and their families, defendants Evren and Şahinkaya - both hospitalized at military hospitals due to their age - were present via teleconference.
Following the announcement of life sentences, the court also ordered the removal of defendants’ military ranks for violating the Military Penal Code Article 30.
Initially drafted by Prosecutor Kemal Çetin, the case indictment included some of the following charges: Creating the grounds for military intervention by plotting massacres including May Day 1977, assasination of Malatya province mayor Hamit Fendoğlu, bombing on Istanbul University campus in 1978, Sivas Massacre in 1978, assasination of Milliyet newspaper editor-in-chief Abdi Ipekçi, removal of MSP. (AS/BM)
* Click here to read the article in Turkish.