Forest Activists Call For Action in Istanbul

Kuzey Ormanları Savunması (North Forests Defense Group), called for action to advocate for the last remaining forests of Istanbul with a demonstration on December 1. Demonstrators are welcome to join the protests by marching or riding their bikes.
"2.5 million trees will disappear"
“Are you aware? Despite Environment Order Plan, an act equivalent to Istanbul’s constitution, authorities resume the construction of 3rd bosporus bridge. The project is causing a massacre of forests both in the Anatolian and European sides of the city. If we don’t stop this massacre, 2.5 million trees, which is a land equivalent to 3000 soccer pitches, will disappear. Are you aware that children will grow up without seeing birds, animals and nature?” the action statement said.
“Belgrade Forest will open to urbanization”
"Are you aware? Belgrade Forest, one of few remaining spots where Istanbulites can breathe will be open to urbanization with a change of status from “preservation forest” to a “nature park” where all sorts of construction will be allowed. The forest is being handed to Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality as an establishment. Our common-natural value is being pushed to annihilation,” the statement continued.
"10 million people will add up"
"Are you aware? Considered as one of Europe’s 100 most valuable and urgently protection needed forest with its 2000 plant spices, migrant bird populations and Istanbulites’ most essential space for taking a breath; North Istanbul Forests is under the threat of New Istanbul, 3rd Airport and Canal Istanbul projects. These projects will be likely to add up another 10 million to Istanbul’s population and turn the city into hell."