Foreign Ministry: Refugee Wave to Europe will Continue if Situation in Idlib Doesn't Change

Source: AA
The influx of migrants from Turkey towards Europe may continue if the situation in Idlib, Syria continues to worsen, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has said in a statement.
"The latest developments in Idlib, which caused hundreds of thousands of people to be displaced, have further increased the current migration pressure on our country. These developments are followed by our people and the world, and also affect the refugees and migrants in our country," the ministry stated.
Following an airstrike that claimed the lives of 33 soldiers in Idlib, government officials said that Turkey will no longer try to stop refugees from reaching Europe.
CLICK - Refugees Heading to Europe After AKP Said Turkey Cannot Stop Them Anymore
A new refugee wave started after the statements as people headed towards borders with Greece and Bulgaria and the Aegean Sea to cross into Greece's islands.
The ministry said refugees in Turkey concerned by the latest developments have begun flocking towards Turkey's western borders, towards Europe.
"The risk will continue to rise if the situation gets worse," it said.
The ministry also stressed that Turkey has not changed its policy on humane treatment of migrants, as the country hosting the largest number of migrants in the world.
Saying that Europe broke its promise to help migrants in Turkey as well as help Turkey stem further migrant waves, officials from Turkey announced earlier that they would no longer try to stop irregular migrants from reaching Europe. (VK)