Flag Take-Down Demonstrations, Attacks

While the taking down of the flag by a masked demonstrator in Diyarbakır 2nd Air Force Command led to demonstrations in the name of respecting the flag in certain provinces, the reaction to the flag in certain places turned into an attack against Kurds.
Demonstration marches were held in provinces such as Mersin, Urfa, Antep, Çanakkale, Istanbul, Ankara, and Izmir in reaction to the taking down of the flag.
Police did not permit Grey Wolves [Ülkü Ocakları] Istanbul Provincial Headquarters’ walk from Mecidiyeköy to Taksim. Some citizens climbed up to the traffic sign poles and hung Turkish flags.
A group that gathered in Ankara Güvenpark yelled slogan, "Turkey will be the Kurds’ grave." The group took down another group’s banner protesting the Lice massacre and set it on fire.
Attack on workers in Giresun
A group walked up to the a high school dormitory construction site in Giresun province’s Piraziz district on the grounds that Kurdish workers allegedly continued working during Turkey’s national anthem. A group trying to break the riot police line-up and lynch the workers, as they were being taken out of the area with armed vehicles. The police dispersed the group using tear gas. Seven people, four of them students, were wounded in the events.
A group attacked the demonstrators in Malatya province protesting the Lice massacre. Labor and Democracy Platform members took refuge in the Peace and Democracy Party (BDP) Provincial Headquarters after the attack. Police escorted the group out after a while with a municipality bus.
Attack on students and bus
A group allegedly attacked Kurdish students staying in a student dormitory in Maraş province’s Sütçü İmam University. The students attacked the dormitory building after the attack.
A crowded group attacked the “Star Diyarbakır”-company tour bus traveling from Diyarbakır to Bursa while passing through Kayseri’s Pınarbaşı District. The assault left the bus windows broken and some of the passengers slightly injured.
Three wounded in Midyat
Rangers allegedly opened fire on the Lice massacre protest march in Mardin province’s Midyat district. Injured Müşerref Alper, Yusuf Akyüz and Mesut Akyüz were taken to Midyat State Hospital. (NV/PU/BM)
* Click here to read the article in Turkish.