Fish die-off in Kızılırmak River: Lack of oxygen due to drought

* Photo: Anadolu Agency (AA)
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In some parts of the Kızılırmak River flowing through Sivas province, mass fish deaths occured. The samples taken from the area have shown that the fish die-off was caused by lack of oxygen in the water, which was itself caused by drought and high air temperatures.
Following the fish die-off in the İncesu area of Kızılırmak around a month and a half ago, the teams of the Fishery and Aquaculture Branch of the Sivas Provincial Directorate of Agriculture and Forestry went to the scene of the incident, took samples and measured the water temperature.
Examining the river further, Fishery and Aquaculture Branch Chair Durdu Akdağ has spoken to the reporters about the issue.
Noting that the results of the research conducted on both the water samples and the fish samples have arrived, Akdağ has said:
"We sent the related samples to the Etlik Veterinary Research Institute in Ankara and it turned out that there was no finding of poisoning.
"Similarly, the water samples were examined by our Provincial Directorate of Environment and Urbanization and State Hydraulic Works (DSİ). No negative results were found in those samples, either."
'Deaths may continue'
As reported by the state-run Anadolu Agency (AA), Akdağ has underlined that the fish die-off was caused by the lack of oxygen in the water caused by suddenly increasing air temperatures.
Akdağ has said, "We see that the flow rate of the river drops as a result of the increase in temperatures, in summer months, especially in July and August. Therefore, as there is a dense fish population in the areas where the water is stagnant, fish die-off occurs there due to lack of oxygen."
Akdaş has further noted that due to the ongoing high temperatures, local fish die-offs may occur in the region, warning that citizens should not be concerned by mistaking it for a "poisoning sign." (TP/SD)