Fire Precaution in Prisons: Limit to Books

The Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) Şırnak Parliamentary Member Faysal Sarıyıldız submitted a written parliamentary question to Justice Minister Bekir Bozdağ on Nevşehir E Type Closed Prison’s restriction for each inmate to have a maximum of six books for the reason that “a fire could break out in the prison.”
“This approach belongs to that mentality from the dark Middle Ages that views books and enlightenment as grave danger,” stated Sarıyıldız.
“The reading and writing of books, tools for acquiring and producing knowledge and enlightenment, is not just a basic human right, but also a condition of freedom of thought.”
Drawing attention to the obstruction of inmates’ most natural right to obtaining information through the prison administration’s said restriction, Sarıyıldız wrote the following in the parliamentary question:
“Regarding written materials as threatening or harmful for their content or physical property is a very dangerous approach.”
“This practice started by the prison administration is at the same time an isolation policy. It is of great importance that the rights violations stemming from Nevşehir Prison Administration’s arbitrary practice be abrogated immediately.”
Sarıyıldız directed Justice Minister Bozdağ the following questions:
* Have you received any complaints about the six-book limit imposed on arrestees and convicts in Nevşehir E Type Closed Prison? If yes, have you started an investigation or examination concerning the complaints? If you have, what stage are these investigations at?
* Have you carried out official inquires about the prison authorities that arbitrarily violated the right to obtain information? If yes, what stage are they at?
* Has your Ministry had any attempt to remove the limit on books imposed by the prison administration?
The Tekirdağ province F type prisons number 1 and 2 prison administration had lifted the ten-book limit they imposed upon reactions to the policy. (AS)