Fire Opened from Syrian Border: A Soldier Dies, Another Lost

Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) opened fire from Syria; a soldier named Yusuf Beylem who was performing his compulsory military duty in Şehit Mehmet Border Post in Kilis province, in southern Turkey near the border with Syria died. Another soldier from the same border post got lost.
Governor of Kilis, Süleyman Tapsız, told a conflict broke out at 6 p.m. yesterday between the soldiers and a group of smugglers.
Tapsız said the group of smugglers opened fire to soldiers and an investigation has been launched related to the subject.
Explanation from Turkish Armed Forces
Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) made a written statement about the situation and informed that one of the soldier got gravely wounded when ISIS opened fire from Syrian border and was immediately taken to hospital but couldn’t be saved though. TSK also stated another soldier got lost but searching operations still continued.
Altınok: That soldier got lost
According to the Minister of the Interior, Selami Altınok, one of the soldiers got lost and he didn’t have any information if the soldier was kidnapped or not.
The deceased Yusuf Belem (21) was born in Urfa province, in southeastern Turkey. His funeral ceremony will be performed in his hometown, Urfa. (NV/BD)
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