Fire at Kurşunlu Mosque of Diyarbakır

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In the early hours fire has broken out in Kurşunlu Mosque (Fatihpaşa Mosque) in Turkey’s southeastern Fatihpaşa Quarter under curfew of Sur District of Diyarbarkır province.
State-run Anadolu News Agency (AA) has announced that the fire is predicted to have broken out due to hand-made explosives.
It’s expressed that fire has been opened on the fire department and police teams which were sent to the region to respond to the rapidly expanding fire, wherefore the teams have not been able to intervene and the mosque has thus been substantially damaged.
The fire extinguished itself
An authority from Sur Municipality responded upon question of regarding the incident as follows:
“The fire at the Historical Kurşunlu Mosque has been extinguished to a large extent. The fire has supposedly been extinguished not due to an intervention but by itself, this is how we were informed. Even if it’s small, there is still smoke coming out of somewhere.
“The fire has broken out supposedly at 10 a.m. We, as the municipality took immediate action to extinguish the fire. Three fire trucks are still on stand by.
“Yet security officers did not give permission justified on the grounds that security of the fire department could not have been provided. We offered to step in together with the fire department yet our offer was not accepted either.”
Fatihpaşa MosqueIt was built by the time’s Diyarbakir Governor Biyikli Mehmet Pasa between 1516-1520. Due to lead coverings of the upper part of the mosque, located in Fatih Pasa Street, it is called as “Lead Mosque”. The structure holds an important role in mosque development. It is separated from Dıyarbakir structures by means of plans. Being supported by four semi domes, the center dome emphasizes Sinan’s style. When taken into consideration in terms of plan and architectural features, the mosque is separated from the other Ottoman Era mosques in Diyarbakir. Enlarging the dome system, which can be seen in this structure, is not seen in other mosques in Diyarbakir. The mosque is thought to be a preparation to an architectural development such as Sinan’s ideal center in Istanbul’s Sehzade Mosque. There is a place on the right and the left of the square planned mosque’s last congregation place. By opening up mihrabs from outside to last congregation place with seven domes, this section was largely enlivened. Since it is made of black and white stones, it has a rich look. The minaret, located exactly on the right side of the mosque, has raised the mosque’s glory even more. Cylindrical single minaret balcony reflects the Classic Ottoman Minaret Architecture. |