Explosion at Atatürk Airport Kills 36, Injures 147

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An explosion occurred at Atatürk Airport around 10 p.m. A vast number of police and ambulance have been dispatched to the scene.
According to the Doğan News Agency, the explosion took place at the International Terminal. The allegation that the explosion was followed by a second blast and that subsequent to the second blast the gunshots were heard. The wounded have been taken under treatment in the Bakırköy State Hospital.
Over 36 killed
Minister of Justice, Bekir Bozdağ in his statement he made at the Parliamentary Counsel has announced that at least 31 people killed , 147 wounded in the attack.
Prime Minister Binali Yıldırım has announced the death toll as 36.
AP: ISIS has claimed responsibility for the attack, death toll is 50
The Associated Press in its report based on a Turkish authority has announced that the attack claimed lives of 50 and that Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) has claimed responsibility for the attack.
The airport is closed
Entrances and exits to the airport have been closed by 10:30 p.m. The planes which are supposed to land on Atatürk Airport are being directed to other airports.
Gag order
Temporary gag order has been issued as to the explosion by the Radio and Television Supreme Council (RTÜK) upon demand of Prime Ministry at 11 p.m.
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