Exclusion of performing arts from 'gradual normalization' protested on social media

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Artists and stage laborers have not been included in the recently unveiled "gradual normalization" steps in Turkey amid the COVID-19 pandemic, which has sparked harsh criticisms in the sector.
Protesting their exclusion, the laborers of the industry are now campaigning on social media under the hashtags #sahnenesahipçık (Lay claim to your stage) and #gözünüyumma (Don't shut your eyes).
The joint statement of the campaign reads:
"While tens of thousands of laborers, freelance workers, artists, small businesses, suppliers and independent businesses are driven into a great loss, what we have lost in this process is just the tip of the iceberg.
"Every year, live music and arts houses, organizations and festivals host thousands of events where thousands of personnel work and they help enliven the local economy by contributing to the restaurants, small businesses and hotels in their surrounding area. We have been waging our struggle for existence for the sustainability of all these sectors.
"As businesses, employees and artists, we call on everyone and relevant administrative institutions to lay claim to our stages. Everyone, official or public, small or large, can play a role in helping us get out of this situation. We were always together in good times, let's be together now, too."
Some social media posts are as follows:
İçişleri Bakanlığı bildirgesinde masaj salonları ve kıraathaneler, halı saha herşey herşey hakkında ne yapacaklarına dair ibare var. Konser salonları, canlı müzik,festivaller ,kültür merkezleri hakkında tek kelime yok. Yok sayılmışız.Çok iç acıtıcı. @TCKulturTurizm @TC_icisleri
— görgüntaner (@gorguntaner) June 1, 2021
"In the Interior Ministry circular, there are provisions on everything they will do about everything, from massage parlors and cofeehouses to football fields. There is not a single word about concert halls, live music, festivals, cultural centers. We have been disregarded. Very offending."
#gözünüyumma #sahnenesahipçık#BabaSahne
— Baba Sahne (@babasahne) June 1, 2021
445.gün pic.twitter.com/ppNSRIPe4Q
"We are closed"
Sözün bittiği yerin iki durak sonrasındayız. #gözünüyumma #sahnenesahipçık pic.twitter.com/oB9UM78m4v
— Tantana Records (@TantanaRecords) June 1, 2021
"We are two stops away from where the words fail."
Böyle bir paylaşım yapmak zorunda kalmayacağımız günlere kadar…#gözünüyumma #sahnenesahipçık pic.twitter.com/OArZWaDVVJ
— Samlioglu Aysenil (@samliogluayseni) June 1, 2021
"Till the days when we don't have to share such posts..."
#sahnenesahipçık #gözünüyumma Sanatı ve sanat emekçisini yok sayanlar meşru değildir. Suçlusunuz ve hesabını vereceksiniz. Sanat ve emekçi düşmanları karanlığın adıdır. Hayata rengini veren sanat ve emekçileri boyun eğmiyor. Sende destek ol! pic.twitter.com/duzGny0fXc
— Tiyatro Üreticileri ve Yapımcıları Derneği - TÜYAD (@tiyatro_dernegi) June 1, 2021
"Those who disregard the art and art laborers are not legitimate. You are guilty and you will give an account for this. The enemies of the art and laborers are the name of darkness. Giving life its color, the art and its laborers do not bow down. You support it, too!"
Kültür, sanat ve eğlence dünyamız, pandemi dönemi boyunca destekten yoksun bırakılmaları yetmezmiş gibi şimdi de kademeli açılmada göz ardı ediliyor.
— Ali Babacan (@alibabacan) June 1, 2021
Koskoca bir sektörün ve emekçilerinin yokluğa mahkum edilmesini ve ülkemizin sanatsız bırakılmasını kabul etmiyoruz #gözünüyumma.
"As if it was not enough that they are deprived of support during pandemic, our culture, art and entertainment world is now disregarded during gradual normalization. We do not accept that an entire sector and that its laborers are condemned to poverty and our country is deprived of art."
#sahnenesahipcık #gözünüyumma #tiyatromuzyasasin pic.twitter.com/jFGsZRQSoa
— Tiyatromuz Yaşasın İnisiyatifi (@tiyatro_yasasin) June 1, 2021
"Lay claim to your stage. Don't shut your eyes. Let our theater live."
Pandemi sürecinde müzik ve eğlence sektörüne yapılan haksızlık ve çifte standart hiç adil değil.
— Tarkan (@tarkan) June 1, 2021
Yetkililerin sanata ve sanatçıya karşı duyarsız, saygısız yaklaşımı ise ayrıca çok üzücü ve düşündürücü.
"The injustive and double standards targeting the music and entertainment sector during the pandemic is not fair in any way at all. The insensitive and disrespectful attitude of the authorities towards the art and artists is also very sad and worrisome." (AÖ/SD)