“Everywhere Taksim Everywhere Resistance” Slogan Faces Ban

The Turkish government is reportedly preparing to take measures against soccer fan groups - groups that played a prominent role during Gezi Resistance protests.
Interior Minister Muammer Güler said they are working on a series of regulation to prevent the usage of insults and cheering with political and ideological content across Turkey’s stadiums.
Addressing press inquiries during Sports Workshop, Güler said the following:
“We are including political and ideological cheering in the category of illegal demonstrations and behaviors against sports morality in stadiums. This sort of cheering is already banned with international norms. Soccer clubs have already signed to take necessary precautions in the selling of season tickets. Certainly, we will be on the pursuit.”
He also commented on the inquiries whether they will pass regulations on the issue: “There are regulations on every sort of cheering extending the sports morality. It is obvious that politics and ideology-related cheering is incompatible with the spirit of sports. Insults and anti-sportsman behavior are included in this. The law amendment in on that matter." (FK/HK/BM)
* Click here to see the original article in Turkish.