‘Everyone is a Bit of a Prisoner These Days…’

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Ahmet Bilge has been behind bars for 26 years. He is currently held in Elbistan Type E Closed Prison in Turkey's southeastern province of Maraş.
In his letter to bianet in early June, Ahmet Bilge said, "Everyone is a bit of a prisoner these days, but I do not think that it will last long."
He told us that as the main item on the agenda of the whole world was the coronavirus outbreak, his drawings were also related to it.
Sending letters and drawings to bianet for years now, Bilge previously said that the prison administration did not allow him to send some of his drawings on the ground of their "political content."
Bilge has sent the following drawings to bianet:
"Where are you going, dude? What about the tides?"
"Sorry, bro. We need to have some distance due to corona. I will hang out with Mars for some time."
"You, traitor!"
"Oh, look! Corona has infected the fish, too."
"No, no! The water is dirty, the mask is for that.."
"Once upon a time, in a country far, far away, there lived a..."
"Didn't they have masks back then?"
"Hey, you! Yes, you! You are violating the distance rule!"
"Oh, what a pity that we could not get to them when they were still alive! They have all starved to death."
"To the attention of all arrestees and convicts! Please do not violate the distance rule!"
"Weapon fare"
"...And here is the new missile of our company with a corona warhead. It has a global field of influence..."