European Parliament Not to Send Observers to Snap Election

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The Co-Chairs of the European Parliament's (EP) Democracy Support and Election Coordination Group, David MCAllister and Linda McAvan made a joint statement about the snap Presidential and Parliamentary elections that will take place in Turkey on June 24, 2018.
In their joint statement published yesterday (May 23), McAllister and McAvan stated,
"The European Parliament will not observe this electoral process, and consequently will neither comment on the process nor on the results that will be announced afterwards. No individual Member of the European Parliament has been mandated to observe or comment on this electoral process on its behalf."
The statement also emphasized that if any member of the EP comes to Turkey to observe the elections, he or she would do it on his or her own initiative.
OSCE: There will be more observers
The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) has announced that it will increase the number of observers it will send to Turkey for the June 24 snap elections.
As reported by Cumhuriyet newspaper, after receiving the invitation of the state officials in Turkey, the OSCHE has prepared a report, where it has demanded that the elections in Turkey be monitored and the number of observers be increased.
Accordingly, the June 24 snap elections are expected to be monitored by 28 long-term and 350 short-term observers. (PT/SD)