Ergenekon Case Prosecutors Under Investigation
According to Minister of Justice Mehmet Ali Şahin’s announcement in the parliament, criminal reports against Zekeriya Öz, prosecutor of the Ergenekon investigation have been filed.
Those who filed the reports are Ergenekon suspects Muzaffer Tekin, Ergün Poyraz, Kemal Kerinçsiz, Doğu Perinçek and Colonel Erdal Sarızeybek. The prosecutor is accused for “conducting a biased investigation, gross misconduct and exercises not fit to a prosecutor.”
According to the Ministery of Justice, two inspectors are working on the case.
“Eruygur is pleased for the visit”
Members of the Atatürkist Association (ADD) visited Ergenekon suspect retired general Şener Eruygur in the Kandıra F Type Prison.
In the press release that followed the visit, ADD secretary general Suay Kahraman said, “Our president informed us that he was very pleased for the visit of the Turkish Armed Forces. The visit was expected, but perhaps it was a little late.”
Three-star general Galip Mendi had visited Şener Eruygur and Hurşit Tolon, retired generals who are in prison in connection with the Ergenekon case, on September 3 on behalf of the Armed Forces. Organization of Human Rights and Solidarity for the Oppressed People (MAZLUMDER) filed a criminal report against the visit on September 8 for trying to influence the trial process. (TK/TB).