Erdoğan: We’ve Spoken with Our Russian Friends, Couldn’t Convince US

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President and Justice and Development Party (AKP) Chair Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has spoken at the Ankara Chamber of Industry Prize Ceremony. Concerning the military campaign into Afrin, Erdoğan said, “This is not about the Kurdish corridor. This is about destroying the terrorism corridor”.
“They will heavily pay the price”
“We have a martyr by a mortar fired in the region where our energy plant is located in Hatay. Indeed, we will have such martyrs and ghazis but it won’t be unreciprocated. They will heavily pay for it. There is no turning back from Afrin.
“We’ve spoken this with our Russian friends, we have a consensus. We’ve spoken with other coalition forces and the US as well but couldn’t convince the US”.
“Yes we have a red apple”
“Turkey doesn’t fight the Kurds in Afrin, it fights the terrorist organization there. It will be seen very soon that when the terror pressure is removed, the greatest thanking will come from our Kurdish, Arab and Turkish brothers and sisters.
“When our soldiers are asked ‘where are you going?’, they say ‘to the red apple’. Yes, we have a red apple”. (PT/TK)