Erdoğan: Turkey striving to restore 'historical unity' with Egyptian people

Photo: AA
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As Turkey seeks to restore relations with Egypt, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan stressed the "historical amity" between the people of the two countries.
"The Egyptian people and the Turkish nation have a unity based on history," Erdoğan told reporters after Friday prayers in İstanbul. "As friends, we strive to restore our historical unity with the Egyptian people."
The remarks followed two days of "frank and in-depth" exploratory talks between Turkey and Egypt in the capital Cairo, according to a joint press release issued Thursday.
Turkey and Egypt have recently released statements on bilateral ties, suggesting a restoration in relations after more than seven years of political estrangement.
Relations between the two countries have been strained since 2013 when Egypt's army overthrew President Mohamed Morsi, a member of the Muslim Brotherhood, which was supported by Turkey.
Ankara had refused to establish relations with the administration of Abdal Fattah al-Sisi, whom it called a "putschist," while Cairo has accused Turkey of offering protection for members of the Muslim Brotherhood, which it considers a "terrorist" group.
The two countries exchanged positive signals on establishing contacts and dialogue, including possible talks to demarcate their maritime borders in the Eastern Mediterranean.
On Covid-19 vaccines, Erdoğan said that efforts continue to finish developing a Turkish vaccine as it continues to supply other vaccines to the Turkish public.
"Once they are ready, Turkey will share its Covid-19 vaccines with everyone," said Erdoğan, adding that science is not for some parts of society or the world but all. (DŞ/VK)