Erdoğan threatens Tanrıkulu: 'We have a duty to teach them the necessary lesson'

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President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan attended the "108th Period District Governorship Appointment Ceremony" and spoke about the investigation launched into CHP Diyarbakır Deputy Sezgin Tanrıkulu's statements regarding the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK).
Erdoğan, who targeted Tanrıkulu in his speech, said:
"So-called MP but a terrorist scum. As a state and as the judiciary, we have a duty to teach them the necessary lesson. (...)
"Why can't they digest our drones, combat drones, Akıncı drones? Because they can't stand that these terrorists are being hit in their hideouts in Gabar, Cudi, and Tendürek mountains. We have done, are doing, and will do whatever is necessary as a state of justice.
"We are determined to bring Turkey's Century, a symbol of the centennial dreams of our nation, to life. No one can obstruct the construction of Turkey's Century. However, it is understood that the determination of our country is keeping some people awake."
What happened?
Sezgin Tanırıkulu said the following about the TSK on TV100 on September 8:
"Everything the TSK does is not immune from criticism. We are MPs, we will question them. Isn't it the TSK that staged the coup on September 12? Isn't this army the one that attempted a coup, and burned villages on July 15... I follow certain cases. Wasn't it the TSK that threw 15 villagers out of a helicopter, as confirmed by the ECHR ruling... We approach this critically. We ask questions, we ask whether it is true or not, and we ask this to eliminate such suspicions through the TSK. Turkey would not be in this situation if it had done everything right in 40 years. The ECHR ruling is there, who threw 15 villagers, who burned so many villages? Roboski Uludere just happened... Turkey has reached this point because you cannot take a critical approach either."
Following these statements, Tanrıkulu was targeted and a criminal investigation was launched against him. (RT/PE)