Erdoğan: Resolution Process is Improbable, We Call Everybody to Account

Before going to People’s Republic of China, the President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan made a press statement in Esenboğa Airport in Ankara:
“Turkey uses the right to defend herself”
“Terrorism is an international act not only concerns Turkey. It also interests neighboring countries and universal community. DAESH includes foreign warriors. Turkey didn’t allow 16 thousand foreign warriors to cross the border and deported others. Turkey is sensitive about it.
“As a member country of North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), NATO gives every possible support to the member country if it is under attack.
“Turkey uses the right to defend herself, now and she will continue to use. 78 million people in this country will use their rights. We request NATO to be prepared about the situation. You heard the statements of the U.S.A. They called PKK as a terrorist organization like DAESH.
“Resolution process is improbable”
“Resolution process has been abused. Unfortunately, we couldn’t reap the fruits of it. We also saw the bad examples of it during the general elections.
"There is a truth out there. I think to keep resolution process with the ones who threaten our national solidarity is improbable but what should we keep? National unity and brotherhood. They are precious things. There is no such thing as retreat.
"They will pay the price one by one”
I don’t approve to close political parties. However, deputies of Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) should pay the price one by one. The parliament should do what is needed and rip them off from their parliamentary immunity shields. If people collaborate with a terrorist organization, they pay the price.” (ÇT/BD)
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