Erdoğan on Including PYD-YPG to Syrian Settlement Process: Assad Also Opposes

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President and Justice and Development Party (AKP) Chair Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has answered the questions of the journalists after the meeting with President of Russia Vladimir Putin and President of Iran Hassan Rouhani in Russia's Sochi province on November 22 where they discussed Syrian settlement process.
At the end of the meeting, the leaders had adopted a joint declaration and agreed on the importance, that the de-escalation zones in Syria should not endanger the territorial integrity, sovereignty and the unity of the country.
Speaking to the press on his way back to Turkey, Erdoğan stated that the common purpose of the three states was to make a new constitution and a new election in Syria under the supervision of the United States (UN).
Erdoğan also underlined that all representatives and segments from Syria should participate in the National Dialogue Meeting soon to be held in Sochi but also stressed:
"Our stance regarding the terrorist organizations of PYD-YPG (Democratic Union Party/People's Protection Units) is absolute".
Erdoğan also made some remarks on Russia's attitude regarding Turkey's sensibility in the issue of PYD/YPG and Bashar Hafez al-Assad's stance and focused on the following main points:
* Participation from all segments required with the exception of PYD/YPG
Erdoğan stating that the leaders have reached a mutual agreement on the territorial integrity and political unity of Syria, underlined that the three states together would agree on who would be invited to the National Dialogue Meeting.
"We propose that all groups and segments in Syria be invited to the congress", Erdoğan said with an exception: "But our stance regarding the terrorist organizations of PYD-YPG is absolute".
* New constitution and election
Erdoğan expressed that they reached an agreement to induce a new constitution, that would contribute to the cease-fire and de-confliction process in Syria, Erdoğan added:
"The second aim is to go to the polls in a fair and transparent manner under the supervision of the UN. It is crucial that during this process, we ensure circumstances under which the people of Syria are able to put their own will into practice".
* Remarks on Assad's approach to PYD/YPG's existance in Syria
Arguing against the possibility to integrate PYD and YPG to the process, Erdoğan underlined his stance against including these to the procedures
"Their aim is to establish a new formation in northern Syria. We can in no way allow such an attempt, Erdoğan said and added "As far as we can see, Assad also opposes the possibility of such a formation in northern Syria.
* Remarks on Putin's stance on Turkey's sensitivity against PYD-YPG
Erdoğan stated that also President Putin shared his sensitivity against the PYD and YPG and argued that the United States (US) and the coalition forces were the ones who did not agree.
He urged: "We demand that both Iran and Russia take sides with us against any threat to our country". (EKN/DG)