Erdoğan: Islam forbids violence against women, we can draft a better convention
* Photo: Murat Kula / AA
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President and ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) Chair Recep Tayyip Erdoğan met with young people and answered their questions at the "Library Talks" held at the Presidency's Library.
Erdoğan answered a series of questions regarding Italy's Prime Minister Mario Draghi calling him a "dictator'', the "Montreux declaration" of retired admirals, Canal İstanbul project, Turkey's withdrawal from the İstanbul Convention and the current unemployment rates.
Some highlights from the talks are as follows:
Retired admirals
"It does not matter if a soldier is retired or unretired. A soldier is a soldier. As president, I am now the commander-in-chief of the armed forces. How could you, as 104 retired admirals, go so far as to make a statement like that? This is not about your freedom.
"In fact, there are those among you who have already made it a habit. If you are interested in this so much, then you should enter politics. But of course, as the commander-in-chief, president, and a person responsible for ensuring the unity, solidarity, and well-being of my country, I can never tolerate the servicing of a text like this coordinated by 104 people sharing the same mentality. The judiciary will handle the rest of the process.
CLICK - 14 retired admirals released on probation
Canal Istanbul
"The fact remains that these processes, such as whether the ships coming from the Black Sea and the Marmara would wait or not, are entirely within our control. This is unrelated to Montreux. Montreux was a convention related to the Bosphorus. Here, we are bringing about a project that will allow us to establish our independence, our sovereignty fully.
"The Canal Istanbul, which has nothing to do with Montreux, will bring us greater comfort and peace. When Canal Istanbul is completed, it will add to the İstanbul's richness while relieving the Bosphorus of environmental concerns."
İstanbul Convention
"Unfortunately, due to the manner in which it was implemented, neither in our country nor around the world has the Istanbul Convention resulted in respect, particularly for women's rights.
"Currently, the Council of Europe and 11 of the European Union countries are on the verge of withdrawal. Does our Constitution condemn violence against women? It condemns it and refuses to accept it.
"Here, we need to focus on Law no. 6284 on the Protection of the Family and the Prevention of Violence Against Women. This already exists.
"We are members of such a civilization, such a religion that forbids violence against women, to begin with. If we absolutely need such a contract, we can draught one that is fairer, better, and stronger, call it the Ankara Convention, and go forward with that.
CLICK - Turkey has withdrawn from İstanbul Convention
Italy's Prime Minister
"First and foremost, the Italian Prime Minister's statement is completely tactless and impolite. At a time when we believe Turkish-Italian relations will improve, this man named Draghi has unfortunately undermined our relations by making such a statement. In reality, you were appointed to that position rather than elected by voters. Before you attempt to use such words against Tayyip Erdoğan, you first need to know your own history. But we see you are no way near having such knowledge.
"We will continue to serve our country with the strength we have received from our nation and our nation's will that has been submitted to us. As a result, you should never be concerned about whether the Italian Prime Minister uses this or that word; we should mind our own business.
CLICK - Italy's PM calls Erdoğan a 'Dictator'
"To begin with, I can say that the unemployment rate indicates a favourable point. In a period challenged by economic constraints, our unemployment rate is about 13 percent.
"The latest figure announced is actually not a sharp and serious increase. It was already 13-something, now it is just a little more. We were at an excellent level in tourism, but the Covid-19 problem triggering the decrease in tourism also affected employment adversely. Our administration has been the one ensuring the highest employment rate.
"We have provided substantial employment both for healthy citizens and for those with disabilities. What about long-term employment opportunities? It is all about credentials. A young person who demonstrates quality and qualifications will almost certainly be hired."
CLICK - Turkey's broad unemployment rate stands at 28.3 percent
CLICK - Turkey's unemployment rate: 13.4 percent