Erdoğan: 'I don't Approve Birth Control'

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President and Justice and Development Party (AKP) Chair Recep Tayyip Erdoğan delivered to speeches today (May 2), first, at the 75th General Assembly of the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB), and second, at the 7th Family Council held at the Presidential Palace.
At the TOBB, he talked about the economic situation, claiming that the economy has been positive during the terms of the AKP governments and accusing "some people" of trying to create a negative atmosphere.
"We will win"
Erdoğan made the following remarks in his speech:
"Some circus acrobats are in efforts to create a psychologically negative atmosphere by making ingenuine statements on the currency reserves [of Turkey].
"We will win this victory all together against those who want to cage Turkey into a spiral of inflation.
"The reason for the recent traps against our country and our nation is to make our country kneel down both economically and politically.
"How can we explain the issue of potatoes and onions just a few months before the elections?
"Saying, "the Turkey Alliance," we try to implement the idea of getting our 82 million citizens together.
"We have never run from embracing one another. This is why we said 'the Turkey Alliance,' this is why we said, 'the People's Alliance.'"
"Every child is born with his/her bread"
Erdoğan then spoke at the 6th Family Council later in the day, briefly saying the following:
"A society where the notion of the family is disappeared cannot stay standing. If the family dissolves, it is inevitable that our existence as a nation will be in danger.
"Strong nations are formed by strong families. This is why they did everything in this country for desexualization. They said birth control, they said family planning... They tried to penetrate us under different names. Of course, our population decreased because of these steps.
"As a son of this country, I didn't approve this, I don't approve this. While I say 'at least three children' everywhere, some say, 'making a living'. Let's not forget this, every child is born with his/her bread. He/she comes with her bread."
Concluding his speech, Erdoğan also claimed that TV series and social media encourages people for "crooked relationships." (AS/VK)