Erdoğan: I’d Given an Order to Use F-Keyboard but…
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President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has spoken at Turkish Academy of Sciences (TÜBA) Awards ceremony.
In the ceremony organized in the Presidential Palace, President Erdoğan said:
“Every civilization develops its own technology”
“Every civilization develops its own technology, every technology develops its own culture and values.
“If you are unable to develop your own technology, your own science, then you cannot be determinate in its culture and values.
“We’ve come a long way with the importance we attached to science, scientists and scientific studies over 14 years”.
“Why isn’t it us developing technology?”
“Since the technology used in Pardus developed by the TÜBİTAK (Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey) didn’t belong to us, it didn’t become a popular and widely used product”.
"In the same way, during my prime ministerial term I'd given an order for F-Keyboards to be used in public institutions but we couldn't get any result. Why isn't it us developing this technology?"
“It has always been ignorance lying behind instability”
“Science is not important only because of its material outputs, but also important to nations with the change and transformation it causes in minds.
“When we look at the instabilities and turmoil, we see that what lies behind it is ignorance, scientific underdevelopment and cultural corruption”. (EKN/TK)