Erdoğan: 'Constitutional Court cannot underestimate step taken by Court of Cassation'

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, upon his return from Uzbekistan where the 16th Summit of the Economic Cooperation Organization was held, answered journalists' questions on the plane.
Erdoğan made comments regarding the assessment of the 3rd Criminal Chamber of the Court of Cassation not recognizing the decision of the Constitutional Court in the case of Can Atalay.
Critiquing the decisions of the Constitutional Court, Erdoğan stated, "The Constitutional Court has made many mistakes in this regard one after another," and emphasized, "The decision taken by the Court of Cassation at this moment cannot be set aside or pushed aside in any way."
First and foremost, I believe no one can deny that the Court of Cassation is a supreme court. Unfortunately, the Constitutional Court has been making many mistakes in this regard one after another, which seriously saddens us.
At the moment, the decision made by the Court of Cassation cannot be set aside or pushed aside in any way. In response to the decision of the Constitutional Court, the Court of Cassation has now said, 'If you are s supreme court, I am also the supreme court, and as such, I am currently requesting a sanction against you.'
They are waiting for the consequences of this request and asking the authority that will fulfill the consequences of this request, whether it is the parliament, to respond to this request.
Bu talebinin gereğini bekliyor ve bu talebine karşı bunun gereğini yerine getirecek olan merci neresiyse o merciden bu talebini istiyor. Bu parlamentoysa parlamentodan istiyor.
"Similar things happened before Atalay"
Now, set aside Can Atalay. Unfortunately, similar things happened before. Our parliament is also moving slowly on these matters. In other words, many terrorists escaped and went abroad because the process of lifting immunities in the parliament was delayed. These matters should not be taken lightly.
These issues need to be resolved quickly with swift decisions. If these steps are not taken promptly, you later find someone appearing in America, someone in Germany, someone in France. Then they threaten Turkey from those places. My country should not and cannot face the threat of perverts who have fled abroad.
"The Constitutional Court cannot underestimate the step taken by the Court of Cassation"
The Constitutional Court should not and cannot underestimate the step taken by the Court of Cassation on this matter. If some of my party colleagues criticize the Court of Cassation here and praise the Constitutional Court, they are also making a mistake. We need to act with the understanding that one for all, all for one.
There is no meaning in trying to please others here. Finally, I would like to emphasize that the authority to make the constitution belongs to our Grand National Assembly, and this authority cannot be delegated. No one can interfere with the absolute authority of the parliament, constituted by the will of the people.