Erdoğan: Bringing Men and Women to Equal Status is Against Nature

Attending a summit co-hosted by Women and Democracy Association (KADEM) and Women and Social Policies Ministry, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan reiterated his views that there is no equality between men and women.
Defining equality as “taking the victim to the level of perpetrator”, Erdoğan said: “You can’t tell this to feminists. He also went on to say that feminists get so obsessed over the concept of equality that they farther themselves from justice.
“It is rather the equality than being equal,” he said.
“My mom’s heels smell like paradise”
Some of the highlights from Erdoğan’s speech are as follows:
“What is it that women need? The right thing is equality among women. The right thing is equality among men. The essential is the equality of justice.
“Equality is taking the victim to the level of perpetrator. It is rather the equality than being equal. You can’t bring men and women in equal status because this is against the Nature [fitrat in Turkish].
“Our religion has given mother a status: Motherhood. Our religion has laid the paradise under the heels of mothers. Therefore, you kiss from your mother’s heels. I do kiss from my mother’s heels. Don’t move your foot, it smells like paradise, I would tell her. You can’t tell this to feminists!”
“Obsessed over the concept of equality”
“We observe that women’s right struggle is encapsulated in certain schemes. They get so obsessed over the concept of equality that they farther themselves from justice.
“Emphasizing on women’s issues around justice is a whole different attitude.
“I will have a special request from KADEM: Don’t ever let your guard down. Every study that NGOs like KADEM does will interest the field of politics.” (ÇT/BM)
* Click here to read the article in Turkish.