Erdoğan admits Turkey is facing a new migration wave from Afghanistan

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Turkey is facing a new migration wave amid the Taliban's advance in Afghanistan, President and Justice and Development Party (AKP) Chair Recep Tayyip Erdoğan admitted yesterday (August 15).
"We'll make every effort to make Afghanistan stable again," he said during a speech at the İstanbul Shipyard Command."
During a TV interview on August 11, the president denied that there was a migration flow from Afghanistan to Turkey and said it was "exaggerated on social media." He had also said he would like to host the leader of the Taliban.
CLICK - Lacking prospects for the future of displaced Afghans in Turkey
For more than a month now, hundreds of Afghan refugees have been crossing into Turkey from Iran every day, according to reports and videos from the country's eastern border regions.
Almost all people coming to the country are young men who are thought to be soldiers and people working with the US during its 20-year presence in Afghanistan.
As the US withdraws from the country, it has recommended Afghans who worked for it and their families to apply for asylum in Turkey, which already hosts more than 100,000 Afghan refugees.
The Taliban entered Afghanistan's capital city of Kabul yesterday.
An unconfirmed video showing Afghan refugees crossing into Turkey:
Milyarlarca lira harcanıp yüzlerce kilometre inşa edilen sınır duvarından Suriyeliler ve Afganlar tırmanarak geçiyor!
— Enes Balcı (@en_balci) August 9, 2021
Bu mu sınır güvenliği?#AfganlarıAlmayı