EP President: Turkey On the Way to Becoming One-Man State

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Deutsche Welle daily has reported that European Parliament (EP) President, Martin Schulz in his interview to Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger daily said Turkey is on the way to “one-man state” under the ruling of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.
“[German] Chancellor [Angela] Merkel and EU government leaders have to very explicitly say that Turkey’s President’s policies don’t comply with European values”.
“Prime ministry post has been abrogated”
Schulz criticized lifting the parliamentary immunities and defended that “the prime ministry post has been removed” at the Justice and Development Party (AKP) Congress.
“We have to make it clear that we do not idly accept the monopolization of power in one man’s hands,” Schulz said.
“Cooperation rarified”
Schulz said that the following the developments have rarified EU’s cooperation with Turkey.
Schulz repeated as to the visa waiver that Turkey needs to meet the criteria, and reminded that unless the criteria are met, the issue won’t be brought to EP’s agenda. (YY/TK)