EP Passes Resolution Condemning Turkey, Ankara Declares It ‘Null and Void’

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The European Parliament (EP) condemned the July 15 coup attempt in its resolution titled "the current human rights situation in Turkey", discussed in the plenary session on Tuesday and approved yesterday (February 8).
The resolution stated that the coup attempt was "being used to further stifle legitimate and peaceful opposition", and criticized the detention of journalists and rights defenders. The decision to waive the immunity of MPs was denounced.
Emphasis on "deterioration of secularism in Turkey"
"Serious concern" was noted for the situation of fundamental human rights and freedoms as well as the rule of law in Turkey.
The resolution also touched on the deterioration of secularism in Turkey and discrimination against religious minorities.
"Return to the negotiating table needed to resolve the Kurdish question"
The social democrats and Christian democrats' parliamentary inquiry on the operation in Afrin was also approved.
The question voiced concern for the human cost of the operation. The Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK), which, it was reminded, has been on the EU's terror list since 2002, was urged to lay down its arms. The resolution called for both Ankara and the PKK to "return to the negotiating table".
Although the resolution carries no direct legal sanction, it is an important indicator of the EU's current attitude towards Turkey. The resolution also hints at the contents of the European Commission's Turkey Progress Report expected in the beginning of April.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs: The resolution is "null and void"
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has declared the resolution null and void for them. In the written statement issued by the ministry, EP's resolution was said to be "far from an understanding of Turkey's current predicament as it steadily continues its struggle against terrorist organizations." The resolution was stated to be "solely intended to criticize" and "comprised of unsupported claims".
Indicating that the July 15 coup attempt targeted the constitutional order and legitimate democratic government in Turkey, the statement read:
"Taking efficient precautions such as the state of emergency in order to fully thwart threats against the existence of our state and the democratic right to life of our people is the duty and most natural prerogative of the Republic of Turkey. The state of emergency is in fact not a method used only by our country, but has been applied by certain EU-member countries in consideration of their national security."
The ministry also noted that the judiciary proceedings against the jailed journalists, MPs, and rights defenders mentioned in the EP resolution had not been launched for reasons relating to the execution of their duties. (PT/PU)
Source: Deutsche Welle, AA, DHA, Reuters