‘Enforce the Law no. 6284 for women, not for appointed rectors’

"Protect women, not the trustee" (Photo: Boğaziçi Resistance)
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Women met in İstanbul's Kadıköy yesterday (November 1) and staged a protest against the protection order issued against 14 students upon the request of Naci İnci, the appointed rector of Boğaziçi University.
Since the related order was issued as per the Law no. 6284 on the Protection of Family and Prevention of Violence Against Women, women carried banners that read, "Enforce the Law on 6284 for Şebnems (a woman recently killed by a man in Turkey), not for Nacis."
Women's Assemblies Secretary General Fidan Ataselim said:
Ayşe Tuba Arslan and so many women like her, so many Şebnems are not even valued as much as Naci İnci's request. We will have Law no. 6284 enforced, we will not give up on the İstanbul Convention. Şebnems will live and Nacis will let go of us.
The Women's Assemblies have also shared pictures and videos from women's protest in Kadıköy:
Genel Sekreterimiz @fidanataselim : "Ayşe Tuba Arslan ve onun gibi nice kadın, nice Şebnemler bir Naci İnci'nin talebi kadar bile değer görmüyor bu ülkede.
— Kadın Meclisleri (@kadinmeclisleri) November 1, 2021
Şebnemler yaşayacak, Naciler tepemizden gidecek!" pic.twitter.com/Ocl3iSzDfE
What happened?
Appointed as the rector of Boğaziçi University by a Presidential decision on August 20, 2021 and facing the requests for his release by the university constituencies, Naci İnci had a protection order issued against 14 students as a "victim of stalking" as per the Law no. 6284.
In a statement on October 27, the academics of Boğaziçi Unviersity criticized this decision in the following words: "To us, this protection order is the mise-en-scene of a victimhood that Naci İnci is trying to make up to silence criticisms about himself. While women are losing their lives in our country because this law is not enforced, we leave it to the discretion of the public that Naci İnci is trying to have this order issued against students."
About the Law no. 6284
The Law no. 6284 on the Protection of Family and Prevention of Violence Against Women was accepted in Turkey on March 8, 2012.
The purpose of the law was to protect women, children, family members and victims of stalking, who are subject to the violence or at the risk of violence, and to regulate procedures and principles with regard to the measures of preventing the violence against those people.
The law was enacted pursuant to the İstanbul Convention's obligations for signatories to combat and prevent violence against women.
However, Turkey has withdrawn from the İstanbul Convention by a Presidential decision as of July 2021.
As part of the Law no. 6284, the women who are subjected to violence can demand a shelter and temporary protection (close protection) from the state. The women who are subjected to violence or at risk of violence can request that perpetrators of violence be given a restraining order so that they will not stay in the same dwelling or approach the women. Women can also demand that their addresses and identification information be changed.
Women may also want the weapons of the perpetrators to be handed over to the police and request temporary custodial rights and temporary alimony, temporary aid and an annotation of matrimonial home being put on the house where they live. (DŞ/SD)