‘Enforce the ECtHR judgements before the new judicial reform package’

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Main opposition Republican People's Party (CHP) Eskişehir MP Utku Çakırözer visited Edirne Prison and Silivri Prison in İstanbul and met with former Co-Chair of the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Selahattin Demirtaş, businessperson and rights defender Osman Kavala and Chair of the Progressive Lawyers Association (ÇHD) lawyer Selçuk Kozağaçlı.
Noting that the government is preparing to send a new 'judicial reform package' to the Grand National Assembly of Turkey (TBMM), Utku Çakırözer said, "There is no need for a new package at the judiciary, but there is a need for the enforcement of the Constitution and laws in a libertarian and democratic manner and within the frame of rule of law."
Referring to the rulings of "right violation" and "immediate release" given by the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) for Kavala and Demirtaş, Çakırözer stated, "The ECtHR judgements of Kavala and Demirtaş must be enforced immediately. No one must be held behind bars even for a single day due to their thoughts and expressions. The rulings of the ECtHR and the Constitutional Court must be abided by both the judiciary and executive."
'Kavala locked up behind bars over and over again'
Speaking specifically about the case of Kavala, Çakırözer said:
"Osman Kavala has been in Silivri Prison for 1,313 days. He is still behind bars despite one acquittal, two rulings of release and the ECtHR judgement. The ECtHR says 'his arrest is a right violation'. The Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe makes a call for his immediate release, but the judiciary under the shadow of politics locks up Kavala over and over again."
CLICK - 'My arrest is a fantastic fiction'
'It is unlawful to defy rulings on Demirtaş'
Regarding Demirtaş, Çakırözer stated:
"Selahattin Demirtaş has been arrested in Edirne Prison for 1,671 days. The ECtHR gave two important judgments about him. Both the relevant chamber and the General Assembly of the Court concluded that his arrested was a right violation and demanded his immediate release.
"But he is insistently kept behind bars. There is not single evidence in his trials apart from his political expressions and statements. It is unlawful in itself that he is held in the dungeon despite the rulings of the ECtHR."
Kozağaçlı case at the ECtHR
CHP's Çakırözer also talked about Kozağaçlı: "Lawyer Selçuk Kozağaçlı has been arrested for nearly 5 years. Even though he turned himself in, he has been arrested for months because he is a 'flight risk.' He will appear before the judge in the fifth year of his imprisonment. The ECtHR will conclude that this long period of arrest is also a right violation."
'Turkey needs enforcement, not package'
Talking about the recent preparations for a new 'judicial reform package' by the ruling party, CHP's Utku Çakırözer briefly said:
"The same thing is said about every new package: 'No one will be arrested because of their thoughts, expressions and writings any longer!' But, every time, prisons are filled with hundreds of political prisoners who are put on trial due to their expressions. There is a need for not a new package at the judiciary, but for a full compliance with the Constitution and law.
"The ones talking about the new Constitution, judicial package and Human Rights Action Plan must first fully comply with the judgements of the ECtHR, which we are a party to. Osman Kavala, Selahattin Demirtaş and all prisoners of thought must be freed as soon as possible. Every single day when they are held in the dungeon is a new violation of rights.
"Enforce the judgements of the Constitutional Court that guarantee freedom of press and expression. While there is a government that does not comply with the laws or with the judgements of the Constitutional Court and ECtHR, there is no sense which package is adopted." (NÖ/SD)