Energy Minister: A Cat Broke into the Transformer

Energy Minister Taner Yıldız made a press statement regarding the alleged power outrages during the municipal elections on March 30 across Turkey.
“I am not kidding, a cat broke into the transformer station,” Minister Yıldız said.
“We Shouldn’t Lean Behind Power Poles”
Yıldız said the following:
“We are respectful to all decisions made by our citizens. We need to respect them. We are observing those who try to put a dark shadow on the election results - with a little smile.
“There is nothing that will have big impact on the elections. In some cities, there were few outrages which took 10 to 15 minutes. We shouldn’t lean behind power poles.
“I am not kidding, friends. A cat broke into the transformer station. And this didn’t happen for the first time. It is wrong to relate this to the elections”
“They are making excuses”
“I am saying that there might be mistakes from time to time. It is wrong to look for a purpose here. We don’t find it correct that some political parties which don’t reach their goals at the end of elections after 5 years hide behind excuses like that.
“Regarding the economic growth, I don’t have any worries prior to or after the elections. There are people who want to provoke instability. They made the biggest coalition ever with the opposition. The magnitude of their defeat is as big as their willingness.
“The opposition coalition has lost. We need to lead the growth in the energy sector, so that we have more opportunities.
“30 March Election have decluttered the atmosphere. I said that 3 months ago. If money currencies rise due to political reasons, they can also the same away.” (AS/BM)
* Click here to read the article in Turkish.