Emma Watson to Attend Festival in Ankara
Uçan Süpürge International Women’s Film Festival is preparing to host actress Emma Watson on its 18th anniversary.
The festival will take place between May 8 and 18, 2015. The invitation was supported by UN officials as well as Foreign Ministry and Tourism Ministry.
“The more I talk about feminism, the more I realized that working on the improvement of women’s right regarded as hating men. If there is something that I know for sure, it is that this must end. I am saying this, so that you know, feminism is the belief that men and women must have equal rights and opportunities,” Emma Watson said in a speech to support HeForShe campaign.
She was also selected as UN’s Goodwill Ambassador.
Previously, Watson also supported a campaign to protest Vice PM Bülent Arınç’s words “Women shouldn’t laugh loud in the public” with the hashtag #direnkahkaha (#resistlaughter) and photo. (ÇT/BM)
* Click here to read the article in Turkish.