Emek Movie Theatre Protestors Face Prosecution

Efkan Bolaç, an advocate, told bianet that an Istanbul prosecutor has issued a file against 4 protestors who rallied against the demolition of historical Emek Movie theatre early this month, charging them with violation of public demonstration law and assault to police.
4 protestors including Berke Göl, a movie writer and Istanbul Film Festival jury member, face prison sentence up to 6 years.
"Police didn't permit demonstrators to gather at the same location that they could last week. This alone shows how police actions are arbitrary," Bolaç said.
He also claimed that no photographed evidence proved that protestors violated the demonstration law and reminded law enforcement officers' legal responsibility to warn demonstrators at least three times according to the law. He also added that there were no clashes between police and demonstrators, which showed no proof for assault.
In his indictment, prosecutor Gökalp Kökçü charged 4 protestors with violating
Article 2911 (demonstration law) by throwing flower pots and soda cans at police forces who warned them twice by megaphone to end their demonstration. The prosecutor, however, did not charge the demonstrators with property damage.
What happened?
On 7 April 2013 police threw gas bombs and cannoned water at demonstrators who rallied against the demolition of historical Emek Movie Theatre in Istanbul. Berke Göl, Özgür İpek, Hazar Berk Büyüktunca and Mehmet Ferit Aka were detained and released the same night.
Several NGOs including FIBRESCI and Amnesty International condemned the police violence. (YY/BM)
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