Election Reactions From the Streets
There are those who are pleased about the success of the Justice and Development Party (AKP), those who call on the chairperson of the Republican People's Party (CHP), Deniz Baykal, to resign, those who would like to see more MPs from the National Movement Party (MHP) in parliament, and those who believe that the ballot boxes were tampered with... All in the same street...
Gönül Gözüpek, nurse: Instead of hiding at home, Deniz Baykal should come out like Mehmet Agar and resign honourably. He should not degrade himself by clinging on to his position.
The consequences of taking Atatürk's party [the CHP] from the peak to the bottom are hard. He has to suffer them. I believe the results have saddened many in the CHP. I am sad, too.
Yasemin Süslü, housewife: I did not have any problems with the AKP government, I wanted them to be reelected. If these elections were brought forward so that the president's wife would not have a headscarf, this belittles the people. I find it shameful to criticise the headscarf or being religious.
Ibrahim Bal, spare parts salesman: If I were Deniz Baykal, I would not even open a window, I would be so embarrassed. They believe that only they defend the flag and the people. This election has really offended me.
Why was the election brought forward? So that the parliament, chosen by the people, would not chose the president. What has been the result? The people have chosen the same party to rule by itself again.
Korkut Cinar, plumber: I voted for the MHP. I have been a little disappointed by the results. I expected a higher percentage. I find it important that the MHP enters parliament at this time.
Ayhan Günes, tradesman: I believe that the AKP bought votes. Of course they did have a certain voter potential, but they used the fact that they were in government to their advantage.
I see Tayyip Erdogan's speech yesterday (22 July) as a challenge. It is a shame that those opposing him did not express their will at the ballot box.
Inkilap Peker, retired: The results were perfect. Now they cannot claim that the ballot boxes tell lies.
Sadiye Gündüz, retired: We voted for the AKP because we want the stability to continue. I don't think the AKP government is reactionary. But I would not have voted for the Felicity Party. I believe they really want to introduce sharia law. The AKP has begun to embrace very different sections with its politics.
Asuman Günes, private sector: I am very sad. We voted for the CHP. I believe the CHP did not manage to express itself well enough. It is important for Turkey's future that the CHP is understood properly.
The party did not defend Atatürk's values enough. In the next four years, the AKP government will show its real face. I am worried that the pro-sharia sections will become more dominant.
Adem Karin, homeless: I have not voted for years. I am not registered anywhere. Anyway, this country is ruled by mad people and sane people in turns. We will see what this period is like...(AÖ/EÜ/AG)