Election Diary – May 25, 2018

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Turkey's 13th President will be determined with the snap election to be held on June 24, 2018. If absolute majority is not constituted, then the second tour will be held on July 8, 2018.
The election developments that took place on May 25, Friday are:
Election survey: Presidential election to be concluded in second ballot
According to Mediar Survey company, presidential election will be concluded in second ballot.
Rate of people who will vote for President and Justice and Development Party (AKP) Chair Recep Tayyip Erdoğan is 43.50 percent; for main opposition party Republican People’s Party (CHP) presidential candidate Muharrem İnce is 22.20 percent; İYİ Party Chair and presidential candidate Meral Akşener is 19.31 percent.
In the survey, the participants were asked of which party they will vote for. According to this, the rate of people to vote for the Cumhur İttifakı (People’s Alliance), which consists of the AKP, Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) and Great Unity Party (BBP) is 45.63 percent, and for the Millet İttifakı (Nation’s Alliance), which consists of the CHP, İYİ Party, Felicity Party and Democrat Party is 42.5 percent.
Receiving 11.39 percent of the votes, the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) overcomes the 10-percent electoral threshold, according to the survey.
One of AKP’s founders Şener has told why he chose the CHP
Being nominated by the CHP as MP candidate, one of the AKP founders Abdüllatif Şener has said, “Victory of Erdoğan means crisis”.
9 million TL has been donated to İnce’s campaign
CHP’s presidential candidate has announced the amount of money donated to his campaign:
“There are some donations, I believe approximately 9 million TL has been donated. Of course we are expecting our citizens’ contributions. Their support is formidable”. (EKN/TK)